009 — Direktlink
27.11.2005, 19:37 Uhr
Inspired by your test I tried this on my own. So I built the LR in the same moification as it is shown by your model and added the Ballast-Trailer. Wich, I have to say is not that important as it seems to be.
Having built it up and made it ready I began adding the weights. I started with the Stig of a dumbbel (Hantel) and went on with the two 2kg weights. No problem so far and I moved on. The next weights were 1,25's and exactly at the moment I wanted to get my hands away from the new configuration the system broke down. At that time there were 8,250 kgs mounted!!! BUT: not the pendenlines were damaged but the hook was now 2 parts. The real hook was no longer part of the Roll-Unit. I tried a bit less weight with the second hook and things turned out well. 7,350kg are no problem, and the counterweight trailer is not that important, but I wanted to be sure and left it pulled out completelly.
-- Nicht weil es schwierig ist wagen wir es nicht. Es ist schwierig weil wir es nicht wagen!! Frei nach Sokrates
Gruß von mir! Mike Dieser Post wurde am 27.11.2005 um 19:43 Uhr von Burkhardt Berlin editiert. |