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000 — Direktlink
12.12.2009, 04:53 Uhr

was putting the finishing CWs on my Felbermayr LG 1750 when it came crashing down, CW tray gave out where it connects to the actual tray, the connection tabs that fit into the turntable are sheared off so the carbody no longer fits in place, the glass on the cab is shattered, multiple pins are broken, CW tray is totally garbage and all the walkways are bent or broken

here are some pics, sorry about the quality as my camera was dying when i took the pics

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001 — Direktlink
12.12.2009, 12:22 Uhr

Avatar von Christian


sorry for your loss. not something i like to see happen to my cranes. any reaction from Conrad?
Gruß aus dem Schwarzwald
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002 — Direktlink
12.12.2009, 13:31 Uhr

Avatar von Jack.

Hope they Give you A Whole new Crane Mate.
Grüße aus Großbritannien


Heavy Cranes
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003 — Direktlink
12.12.2009, 14:31 Uhr

wa der arme lg 1750 wie ist das passiert? mfg steffen
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004 — Direktlink
12.12.2009, 15:21 Uhr

steffen87 postete
wa der arme lg 1750 wie ist das passiert? mfg steffen

i figured i would post in German for you, i had to translate it so it could be wrong

Ich war Putting die CWS auf die CW Tray und die CW Tray nur brach, kein Gewicht auf die Hook oder etwas
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005 — Direktlink
12.12.2009, 15:22 Uhr

Christian postete

sorry for your loss. not something i like to see happen to my cranes. any reaction from Conrad?

not yet, it happened late last night and im sure nobody is going to be in on the weekend so ill have to wait til Monday im sure
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006 — Direktlink
12.12.2009, 15:23 Uhr
A I Nikolis

Avatar von A I Nikolis

I don't really understand, did the crane brake by itself just like that? If it did then there is was probably a manufacturing failure.
Visit my Flickr account, full of cranephotos!
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007 — Direktlink
12.12.2009, 15:29 Uhr

AIN_002 postete
I don't really understand, did the crane brake by itself just like that? If it did then there is was probably a manufacturing failure.

yes. you see in the first picture where that piece is not connected to the actual tray, well from what i can see there should be a metal pin either the length of the tray or just a small on that hold the 2 pieces together, that broke
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008 — Direktlink
12.12.2009, 15:36 Uhr

may be it was to heavy loaded without anything at the hook?
which boom configuration did you set up?
How much CW plates did you put on?
Maybe you can show us a better pic from that part you are holding on the first picture.
that would be helpful.
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009 — Direktlink
12.12.2009, 15:50 Uhr

Steve12777 postete
may be it was to heavy loaded without anything at the hook?
which boom configuration did you set up?
How much CW plates did you put on?
Maybe you can show us a better pic from that part you are holding on the first picture.
that would be helpful.

full boom and luffer, boom was at about 50 degrees and luffer was slightly higer than that, about 60 degrees. i had probably 24 CWs on the back total maybe a little less.

ill try to get another picture of the broken part but im not sure what you want to see
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010 — Direktlink
12.12.2009, 15:54 Uhr

I would like to see a closer view to that part, maybe from another direction.

LTL2600 postete

yes. you see in the first picture where that piece is not connected to the actual tray, well from what i can see there should be a metal pin either the length of the tray or just a small on that hold the 2 pieces together, that broke

I can't see what you can see ;-)

Dieser Post wurde am 12.12.2009 um 15:55 Uhr von Steve12777 editiert.
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011 — Direktlink
17.12.2009, 20:09 Uhr

heres some better pics of the damage.

here you can see there should be another pin that connects the 2 pieces just like the other side

here you can see the carbody doesnt sit in the carrier correctly

broken glass

broken 1st axle

here you can see the tabs that fit into the carrier from the carbody are messed up on both sides thus not letting the carbody fit correctly

other side

bent walkways with broken handrails

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012 — Direktlink
17.12.2009, 20:43 Uhr

OMG. I am sorry for your LG1750 and for you.

But the CW frame was correct, as you got it?
Did you have a picture made from each part, as you got it?
maybe theres really a part missing but how to give proof of it?
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013 — Direktlink
17.12.2009, 21:04 Uhr

i didnt study each piece when i got the crane.... what i do know is that the CW tray was fine for days.... i have half the weight on the tray and then a few days later i added some more weight when i was booming it up and it just gave way, as you can see in the pics there should be a pin of some sort or a medal rod connecting the 2 pieces like the other side and there is nothing now, i looked on the ground but didnt see anything
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014 — Direktlink
17.12.2009, 21:06 Uhr

Avatar von Shorty77

Oh je, das sieht aus wie ein Totalschaden.

Lg Sven
Wer keine Kühlschränke bauen kann, der kann auch keine Baumaschinen bauen.
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015 — Direktlink
17.12.2009, 21:27 Uhr

das sieht ja wirklich schlimm aus ! und was machste mit dem lg jetzte? mfg
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016 — Direktlink
17.12.2009, 22:03 Uhr

warten gespannt zurück von Conrad. sie sagten, sie werden die Teile Schiff, wenn sie sie auf Lager haben. Ich persönlich würde lieber einen neuen Kran. wer weiß, ob es in Zukunft collaspe
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017 — Direktlink
18.12.2009, 10:17 Uhr
Gast:Holger hackmack

The "Quick Conection" due to Conrad's way, is in my opinion a constructive misstake made by Conrad! Two clips, each on every side have to hold the complete superstructure instead superstructure counterweight, suspended ballast, main boom, luffing fly jib and derrick in a ballace? This is not really inspiring confidence!

The plastic material begins to flow under pressure of the total weight. The plastic be deformed in a plastically / malleable way. The end of this result looks to picture No. 6 in post No. 011, that shows the sheared off clips.

Die Verbindungs Konstruktion, die Conrad gewählt hat, sieht nicht gerade vertrauenserweckend aus. Zwei Laschen links und recht sollen den kompletten Oberwagen samt Drehbühnen Ballast, Schwebeballast, Mast, Wippe und Derrick in Balance halten?

Das führt auf Dauer dazu, daß der Kunststoff der Laschen zu "fließen" beginnt. Hierbei verformen sich die Laschen unter der Gewichtsbelastung plastisch, bis diese seitlich abscheren, wie im Bild Nr. 6 in Post Nr. 011 gut zu sehen.

Dieser Post wurde am 18.12.2009 um 10:29 Uhr von Holger hackmack editiert.
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018 — Direktlink
18.12.2009, 11:40 Uhr

Avatar von Shorty77


Ist mir auch schon mal passiert dass sich der Ober vom Unterwagen getrennt hat. Zum Glück konnte ich ihn noch auffangen, sonst wäre auch alles kaputt gewesen. Habe Ober und Unterwagen jetzt zusätzlich mit einer Schraube gesichert, da sollte jetzt nichts mehr passieren.

Lg Sven
Wer keine Kühlschränke bauen kann, der kann auch keine Baumaschinen bauen.
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019 — Direktlink
18.12.2009, 14:04 Uhr

Ouch! That is a shame. I'm sorry to see your misfortune.
"there should be a pin of some sort or a medal rod connecting the 2 pieces like the other side and there is nothing now" That seems to be the big mystery. I don't see how it could have held for days without a pin, or a rod.
Did OSHA show up yet to start their investigation?
Greetings from Chicago
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020 — Direktlink
18.12.2009, 16:36 Uhr

Dave postete
Ouch! That is a shame. I'm sorry to see your misfortune.
"there should be a pin of some sort or a medal rod connecting the 2 pieces like the other side and there is nothing now" That seems to be the big mystery. I don't see how it could have held for days without a pin, or a rod.
Did OSHA show up yet to start their investigation?

yes and they are not happy!

Dave i think there was something there originally but it just broke off but whatever was holding it in place i cant seem to find the broken piece anywhere
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021 — Direktlink
08.02.2010, 22:55 Uhr
Wilfried E.

Avatar von Wilfried E.


um solch ein Missgeschick zu vermeiden, habe ich mir zur Sicherheit meines LG1750 diese zwei Teile hergestellt.

Ich war heute bei Hermann Müller und wir haben überlegt, gegebenenfalls eine Kleinserie herzustellen.

Gruß aus Pulheim
Wilfried Euskirchen

(Meine hier gezeigten Bilder unterliegen dem Urheberrecht)

--Was Du heute nicht erledigst, musst Du morgen nicht korrigieren--
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022 — Direktlink
08.02.2010, 23:02 Uhr

Sehr gute Idee, vorallem bei der Rüsthöhe die die neue LG Konfig im Maxikraft Design erreicht...
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023 — Direktlink
09.02.2010, 06:24 Uhr

Avatar von MTA50

Kleinserie, super Idee. Ich würde auch einen Satz davon nehmen.
Gruß Marco
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024 — Direktlink
09.02.2010, 07:13 Uhr

i saw these, the are great, i wanted something like this for my crane! how much do you charge for them?
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