000 — Direktlink
10.05.2020, 18:53 Uhr
Dear Community.
In first, I'm very thanks to accept my registration. I'm from Hungary, I'm speaking only a few words in Deutsch, please, accept this.
My first post, how I made a steel fences to my diorama. Now I'm planning only (scale 1:87), maybe a few weeks and I show a little bit to you.
Well, surely you know, the life in Hungary is not such Germany (you think the economy), so we must improvising more thinks.
So, we need a next parts to lowcost fences: 1. sicherheitsnetz zum junger baum (picture) 2. balsa baum stab (I'm using 5mm x 5mm) 3. revell metall farbe 4. kleine (25 cm) draht
I'm cutting a 25mm wide strip. I'm painting this first, and second I'm painting the legs. I'm positioning between two legs in 30mm. The legs is balsa, and I'm cutting this 30mm long. Before the paint this, I'm cut in a little bit (center of long side, but cutting only 25mm long and 1-2mm to deep) , this place to fence. This is a first element, and the corners, and the last element. All other legs I'm using a thin wood stick (picture). Instead you can use a wood stick for candy-floss (picture).
Picture-1 Picture-2
So, the steel fence prototyp is finish.
Thank You, I hope, all modelers accept me and my lowcost and not professional thinks.
Greetings from Hungary ![](templates/default/images/icon/smile_new.png) -- ---------------------- mfg Dieser Post wurde am 10.05.2020 um 19:01 Uhr von bthomyka editiert. |