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Hansebubeforum » Vorbild » I need pictures or LR 1300 in transport and detail pictures » Threadansicht

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28.03.2010, 17:27 Uhr
A I Nikolis

Avatar von A I Nikolis

I hope this isn't the wrong forum section

Moin! I am working on a detailed 3D model of Liebherr LR 1300. My problem right now is that I can't find any detailed pictures of the chassis (the center frame) without the tracks.
The few pictures I have found are too small, too dark (e.g. taken by night) or too low quality.
I have also looked in the PDF, but there are no detailed drawings.
So I wonder if anyone have any detail pictures!

Edit: If you can't upload them, then you can send them to ai.nikolis(@)hotmail.com


Visit my Flickr account, full of cranephotos!

Dieser Post wurde am 28.03.2010 um 17:36 Uhr von AIN_002 editiert.
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