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Hansebubeforum » Vorbild » neue Regeln zur Kransicherheit » Threadansicht

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000 — Direktlink
05.07.2008, 16:39 Uhr

ich habe irgendwo (Netz oder in einem KM) gelesen, dass 2009 oder 2010 die DIN 15019 durch eine andere Norm ersetzt werden soll, kann den Artikel aber nirgends mehr finden-Wer kann helfen?

im Artikel gings um eine neue Regelung zur Überlastüberbrückung usw.

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001 — Direktlink
05.07.2008, 17:00 Uhr
Ralf Neumann

Avatar von Ralf Neumann

Rene postete
ich habe irgendwo (Netz oder in einem KM) gelesen, dass 2009 oder 2010 die DIN 15019 durch eine andere Norm ersetzt werden soll, kann den Artikel aber nirgends mehr finden-Wer kann helfen?

im Artikel gings um eine neue Regelung zur Überlastüberbrückung usw.


Such mal nach EN 13000.
Ralf Neumann

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002 — Direktlink
06.07.2008, 17:19 Uhr

Hallo Ralf,
erstmal danke dafür. Aber irgendwo muss ein Text/Beitrag rumschwirren, in dem das "Überlastsicherungs-Überbrücken" Prozedere beschrieben wird. Der Artikel kann ebenso vom KM gewesen sein, wie auch vom vertikal net, aber ich finde den dummerweise nicht mehr, bräuchte die Beschreibung aber auf Arbeit.

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003 — Direktlink
06.07.2008, 18:04 Uhr

Avatar von Cranearzt

Good Day Mr. Rene,
Try the link below; also perhaps the SCRA website where you can read about their stand on the upcoming regulations. There was a big meeting during ConExpo where it was made clear that a large % of the N. American crane market doesn’t want to give up "the override key" so easily.
Getting a copy of the EN 13000 is possible, but it seems that it is likely in a state flux. As far as I know, the ongoing discussions (and debates) with the governing bodies, manufacturers, and users are still happening. Possibly because of the design changes that will be necessary for crane manufacturers to meet the demands of some markets, while still satisfying European Regulations, namely cranes which are EU Certified, and those that are not.

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004 — Direktlink
06.07.2008, 18:33 Uhr

Hello Cranearzt,
this is exactly the text, what i looking for. Thanks a lot.
I think the new rules are much better, than the actual ones...

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005 — Direktlink
06.07.2008, 19:29 Uhr

Avatar von Cranearzt

Yes, I agree. The “Überbruckung” makes over loading a crane all too easy. The SCRA members claim that the elimination of the key from the operators reach could be dangerous is ill conceived, and incorrect. Firstly the EN 13000 takes into consideration the needs of the operator to allow for set-up (ill conceived), and secondly using the “Überbruckung” to put down a load (as was said by one of the SCRA board members) when its caught in the wind!?! (Incorrect). Every crane operator knows the LMB should always allow you to hoist down, aka lower the load, and of course without the key, If he meant to Boom down, then I sure hope they don’t allow him to operate a crane!
Unfortunately the fact is, (and my experience in that market has been), that all too often turning the key is deemed as necessary to complete the job. Sometimes it is to lift more than the load chart allows, or because of a dysfunctional status of the LMB itself. This means down time and money.
Because of this I question their motives as seems clear to me that in this case some people are ready to prioritise earnings before SAFETY!
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