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Hansebubeforum » 1/87 » Help with scale drawings and models » Threadansicht

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26.11.2007, 19:02 Uhr

Dear members,
I write this request in English because I'm not smart enough to learn German. I am a 1/87 scale modeler and need some help. I would like to obtain some of the scale drawings that were offered by J.F. van der Touw some time ago. I wrote him a letter addressed to the address on the catalog that was available on the internet dated April 2001, rev 2. I have not gotten an answer. Does anyone know if his address has changed or whether or not he now has an e-mail address? I e-mailed Ralf Koch and it was he that suggested the letter. What I need are some dimensioned drawings of the Mercedes-Benz, MAN, and Titan Heavy Haulage trucks that were listed in the catalog. Also, does anyone know of an individual who has any of Ralf Koch's models that they have not built but would be willing to sell? I didn't realize that Ralf had stopped making them several years ago. Thank you for any help you can provide. By the way, I did search the forum to see if any reference to scale drawings had occurred in the past.
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