1528 — Direktlink
24.05.2011, 17:38 Uhr
H.J. Gloede
Zitat: | Reuben postete Hello Joachim,
I really enjoy looking at your "model thread", you have some amazing ideas.
I would be interested to know how you make your "backscenes", as they are so realistic.
Hope you do not mind me asking this.
Reuben. |
Hello Reuben ! The backszenes are self taken photos. I drive and go with `open eyes` through my town, the nature or in hollidays and I´m looking for good themes, which are suitable as backgrounds. Then i send the pics to my online photo-service (i`m using Aldi-Fotoservice) and they print it in posters (90 x 30 cm or 25x40cm or other dimensions. Then i glue it at 3mm plates and the rest will be the right view at the szene, i will show. Camera at a threepod an background behind the dio. Mostly i must take 10-20 pics for one or two good .
so it looks, in case i take the pics :
hope you can understand my not good english and hope, i could help you 1?
Joachim -- Wenn nicht anders angegeben, liegt das Copyright der gezeigten Fotos bei mir |