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Hansebubeforum » Dies und Das ... » Patent Recherche » Threadansicht

Autor Thread - Seiten: -1-
000 — Direktlink
28.12.2006, 23:27 Uhr


hier mal die links zum Deutschen und europäischen Patentamt und zu einer seite wo man nach amerikanischen patenten suchen kann.

Deutsches patentamt

Europäisches Patentamt

US Patent recherche (Kostenlose anmeldung erforderlich)

hier mal einige Patentnummern die ich über denn letzten link gefunden hab

6305560 Multiple Pedestal for ringer crane
6474487 Ring lifting crane
4537317 Heavy Duty travel crane
3955684 Rotary crane unit
4170309 Conterbalanced tower crane
4103783 Plattform crane
4196816 Heavy Duty crane
4243148 Conterbalanced Towercrane
4258852 Auxiliary Conterweight
4195740 Liftcrane support system
4042115 Rotary conterweight crane
4392911 Heavyduty crane
4579234 Self errecting mobilecrane
4081081 Demontable Gantry
4358021 Seperated ring Segment Dual pivot lift crane
4381060 Ring supported Mobile tower crane
4159776 Tower crane
4194638 Ring supported Tower crane
3944081 Tower crane
4053060 crane
4076128 Rotary crane
4382519 Traveling attachment for Ringsupportet Lift crane
4030952 Articulated Stand apparatus for laying and recovering Pipeline
4387814 Traveling attachment for Ringsupportet Lift crane
4449635 Imaginary Pivot lift crane
4518090 booms for cranes and the like
4640421 Truck crane conversion to crawler crane
4085853 Construction of buildings or Parts there of
4386673 Axle Joint
4391343 Retratable tracred cart
4415055 tracked Vehicle
4483407 variable configuration track laying vehicle
4496015 Interchangeable drive means for a Vehicle
4253536 Articulated cross country vehicle
6681317 Re-configurable crane carrier
4165005 Method and apparatus for the instalation of the Support elemnt of a crane
4199298 Trailer for skid mounted tanks
4273244 Crane upperstruckture self transferring system
4018473 Material handling equipment operrators cab mounting
4053073 Level lifting system
4363412 Crane conterweight and handling method
4286720 Conterweight removal system
4434994 Boom Axle
4660731 Telescopic crane for heavy loads
4664411 removal and instalation of outringerbox
3937337 Vehicle mounted loader and unloader
4146250 Stabilitzer unit for parking vehicle
4394912 Mobilecrane telescopic outringers
4045923 Telecopic swingaway jip
3972571 Boom slider assembly
4169338 Telecopic Boom
4454952 removeable outringers
4276985 Truckmounted railroadcrane
4214665 Truckmounted railroadcrane boomsection
5018630 Highcapacity liftcrane
4096961 Dual low lifttruck
4316548 Concentrc ringsegment
4521932 Transportable bridge struckture
4015303 bridge support Element
4288881 Bridge laying apparatus
4023226 Transport vehicle
4353190 Stiffened elongated support members
4601402 Sterable concentric ring segment suppported lift crane
4621385 Amphibius bridge and ferry system
4142786 Portable floating apparatus
4729486 Liftenhanching beam attachment
5029895 Outriggermounted axle assembly
4241803 Wheelsupport assembly for rolling and stepping vehicles
4314709 Load transfertrailer for transit mixer
3985036 Truck outringer
4130134 Material conveying apparatus
3942554 Extendable crane with folding condiut
4501437 Load transfer axle
4555031 Vehicular crane of high capacity having an extensible arm
4395913 Poweroperated outringers
4128180 Container loading unloadingsystem
4175902 Apparatus for loading unloading railroadcars
4096954 Gondola car loader
5110149 Log trailer system
4219210 Auxiliary trailer
4017094 Sterring convertrer apparaturs
4496166 Translotor logtrailer
4221525 Apparatus for transporting elongated members
4314712 pole trailer
5348171 removable outringer for mobilecrane
6039194 Mobile roof crane
4050587 Hoist and dolly apparatus
4200162 Traveling gantry
4469191 Chassis with swiffelmounted wheelaxles
5758785 lifting system


Stefan Seifert
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