007 — Direktlink
24.11.2006, 08:58 Uhr
Ich darf mal einen Bekannten von mir, Tim Twichell zitieren, der mir die auf meine Nachfrage im DHS Forum geantwortet hat:
Christian, Challenger is no longer in the truck building business.. I don't beleve. The company was founded and owned by John Casanave. He started about 1986 in building his own line of trucks. Before that he re-built Hays and Pacific trucks. Most of the Challengers were off-highway logging trucks, but some were built as coal haulers. The shops were based in Port Alberni on Vancouver Island B.C.. I am not sure what occured, but I beleve that Hays Forest Services took over the operation. Hays trucks were built for the same applications and quite a few are still around having been upgraded and rebuilt dozens of times. The Hays family is one of the largest contract logging companies in the world, and they have a huge re-build operation to upgrade and maintain the worlds largest fleet of off-highway logging trucks that they own, and I beleve they also work on other trucks, they own Pacifics and Hays as well as Challenger trucks in the fleet. A few years ago they bought most of the MacMillan Bloedel truck fleet, the largest on the Island.The best sources of info would be some of the albums on Hankstruckpictures.com. Those folks would know much more recent info on the status of Challenger mfg. Tim.
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