000 — Direktlink
13.07.2006, 22:44 Uhr
Bin vor Kurzem über dieses interessante fahrzeug gestolpert:

Kenworth selbst schreibt darüber:
The 993 is a truck that pushes the limits. When adequate horsepower to move exceptionally heavy payloads could not be accommodated in a more traditional model, Kenworth engineers developed an ingenious solution to the problem. The drive train was slotted out and a COE cab was fitted slightly forward of the enormous 700 horsepower engine. The standard grill and regular engine compartment serve only to channel air to the huge radiator which is mounted behind the cab.
As testament to the exceptional power of the 993, two of these super trucks were used to successfully move a 335 ton piece of nuclear power plant equipment over a mountain range in Spain. The gross combination weight was well over a million pounds.
Nun meine Frage: Hat Irgendjemand neues Bildmaterial und ein paar Daten zu diesem, wie ich finde, hochinteressanten Fahrzeug? Also Sattellasten,Achslasten,Leergewicht, Abmessungen usw?
Soweit ich herausgefunden habe wurden nur 3Exemplare gebaut und es ist das mächtigste Gerät das KW je gebaut hat.
Gruß Greenhorn |