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Hansebubeforum » Vorbild » Von Bok Seng Logistics, Singapur » Threadansicht

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000 — Direktlink
29.04.2008, 13:11 Uhr
Marcus Chee

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001 — Direktlink
29.04.2008, 13:51 Uhr

Avatar von Menzitowoc

Hello Marcus,

the fifth picture seems to show the hub unit for one of the big ferris wheels assembled in the Singapur; is it right?

Do you have other pictures of the ferris wheel assembly and the construction side.

Regards Christoph
Mal was ganz Anderes: Marion Walking Dragline aus Constructor (Holzbaukasten)

Dieser Post wurde am 29.04.2008 um 14:07 Uhr von Menzitowoc editiert.
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002 — Direktlink
30.04.2008, 03:04 Uhr
Marcus Chee

yes you are right. Its the shaft unit for the Singapore's Flyer. I've got to get pics from my friend as I posting for him.

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