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Hansebubeforum » Vorbild » Hofbesuch bei Walsh Construction, Chicago » Threadansicht

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000 — Direktlink
12.04.2008, 18:46 Uhr

Avatar von Christian

im letzten Urlaub durfte ich den Arbeitgeber meines Gastgebers besuchen, eine der größten Baufirmen im Grossraum Chicago

Anbei ein paar gesammelte Fotos

Gruß aus dem Schwarzwald
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001 — Direktlink
12.04.2008, 19:29 Uhr

Thanks for posting these, Christian.
The small Link-Belt in picture #5, and the drill machine in picture #8, are wearing the logos of "Archer Western Contractors". In the USA, some areas (Chicago and New York, for example) have a strong presence of organized trade labor unions. In these areas, all major work is performed by contractors that sign agreements with the trade unions, where the unions provide skilled workers, and the contractors hire only workers that belong to the unions.
In other areas of the USA (Dallas and Atlanta, for example) there are few, or none at all, trade labor unions. In order for Walsh to work in those areas, they need to hire workers that do not belong to the unions, which would violate their agreements. In order to work in the non-union areas, Walsh has a separate company, called Archer Western, that is not subject to the union agreements, and can hire any worker that is qualified, since no union workers are available in those area. The name is derived from the location of the former company offices, which were at the intersection of Archer Ave. and Western Ave. in Chicago.
Greetings from Chicago
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002 — Direktlink
12.04.2008, 23:29 Uhr

Avatar von mirko

wofür braucht man den den truck auf dem ersten bild?
what is the truck on picture #1 used for?
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003 — Direktlink
12.04.2008, 23:36 Uhr

Avatar von Christian

Servicetruck für Baumaschinen... Fett, Öl und diverse Werkstattarbeiten
Gruß aus dem Schwarzwald
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