400 — Direktlink
04.11.2014, 11:49 Uhr
Paul R
Zitat: | drp16 postete Nice model, nice pictures, Paul.
But please don´t put more than 5 pictures in 1 post. Even with a fast internet it takes some seconds to load the complete site thoug the pictues themselfes are relative small. And worse, scrolling to the latest post is inhibited by loading the heap of pictures before. Someday it´s no fun anymore watching this thread and that would be a pity.  |
Sorry about that. I had thought the limit was 10 per post but I will limit to 5 in the future.
I have hi-speed internet where I live so loading a page only takes 2 seconds 
Paul R Dieser Post wurde am 04.11.2014 um 11:49 Uhr von Paul R editiert. |