126 — Direktlink
26.11.2008, 15:41 Uhr
hier mal die Geschichte:
Zitat: | I am not certain where your information on this KW came from, but I do know that Fontaine did not build this.
The Truck belongs to Earl Sutton, owner of American Heavy Moving and Rigging in Chino California. The business, or persons who were contracted to build this truck, failed to complete the build, and legal action had to be taken to have the truck, and funds released back to Earl. American actually completed the majority of the truck in thier shop. I actually have proof of this, but am unable to locate the photos. In July of 1994, myself, my father, and a couple of my fathers coworkers were working a job with American, and visited thier shop. While at thier shop, we have photos that were taken of us standing next to this truck before it was completed. If I recall, at the time of our visit, the engine and cooling system were not fully installed, and the body work was still not completed. As for having 1000 horse, that is not true either. American primarily uses house moving dollies. These dollies can very easily be pulled out of place under a load if they are stuck in the mud, get hung on curbs, or so on. It was decided that 1000 horse was too much, and would lead to more problems than it was worth. The engine was turned back to 800. If I can locate the photos of the truck during construction, I will post them.
-- Gruß aus dem Schwarzwald Christian ------------------------------- Dieser Post wurde am 26.11.2008 um 15:58 Uhr von Christian editiert. |